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A Box Of Confidence

Giving your sensitive dog confidence through the power of choice & collaboration

Course Summary

Giving a dog choice helps build confidence in all aspects of life. When they are sensitive to noise & given an option to self soothe, more often than not they will choose that path of their own free will. Dopamine is released as they take treats from the box giving a more positive association to previously negative knocks & rumbles. And there's more, the exercise brings down the veil between species, as the communication between you & your dog opens up it will literally make your heart burst!
In this course:

  • The importance of confidence & it's link to mental health & well being.
  • The importance of collaboration.
  • How to help with noise triggers without flooding the fear.
  • How to encourage choice in your sessions.
  • How to listen when your dog says no thank you.
  • How to help them when they feel nervous.

Janeen Warman