Raised By Humans

Helping Dogs & Puppies Settle In Our World

Course Summary

Build trust & a bond with your dog by teaching them with compassion & understanding.  
By giving your dog or puppy confidence when you first meet you help to prevent bigger problems in the future. 
I guide you with simple techniques, because teaching should be made simple & repeated little & often over time. 
There is also advice on how to calm your energy & anxiety to reduce stressful situations.
More importantly there is advice on how to have fun.
  • What will you gain from this course?
  • An understanding of the science of teaching your dog & how to apply it.
  • The importance of your relationship.
  • How to take steps to help your dog feel safe & confident.
  • The myths & facts.
  • What socialisation really means.
  • How emotive energy balancing affects your relationship.
  • Simple techniques to teach the skills every dog needs to navigate our world.

Janeen Warman

Course Pricing

Raised By Humans


  • Helping Dogs Settle Into Our World




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Nancy Gilmour

Insightful training

Excellent advice & guidance for any puppy owner.

1 month ago