My business has always been by word of mouth and I'd like to thank you so much for that. It makes such a huge difference knowing that there are people out there believing in what I do and spreading the word!

I would like to thank you and also help charities to raise revenue by sharing my profits with you


Send me your email address, by filling in a quick form, it's that simple..


I will send you your own unique link, you can use this in social media posts or pass on to people who you think would benefit from working with me..


Commission is paid out every month, you do not have to wait until you have a set amount in your pot...

"Why can't you offer courses free at the point of use?" ... I would love to do that, unfortunately I am a sole trader without funding & not a licensed charity at this stage, but I am able to offer affiliation to share a percentage of sales.

"I'm not a dog professional, can I be an affiliate?" .... Absolutely!! Yes please I would love to have you on board. There is no one better to spread the word than someone who believes in what I do, thank you!
"Do you support charities?"....  Yes one of the reasons I wanted to create affiliate links was to enable charities to have a passive income from my sales.
"I'm a dog professional, if I send you my clients will I lose them?" .... The short answer is no, absolutely not! I have a strong ethical view about not stealing clients lists. I believe that it can take a team to raise a puppy or help a dog. As professionals we all have our own unique skills that when we all work together holistically is a good thing for the dogs and their humans.

"What is your unique skill?".... I work with trauma recovery, anxiety and stress at both ends of the lead, I am trauma informed and able to pin point the small nuances in communication, helping to improve the relationship between dogs and their humans. I have given many dogs and people the confidence to go forward on their journey.