(The Price you sign up with is the price you stay at)

Don't struggle alone - I'm here to support you

I am Janeen Warman coach & founder of Human Hound Healing.
I provide coaching & mediation for dogs & their people. With my clients residing in different parts of the world, I have a high success rate with remote coaching. There is also the hub, this gives you access to all of the courses I have written that you can work through at your own pace, it also gives you free entry to a monthly group call where you can chat & plan your teaching & learning for the month ahead. Did I mention you also get discounted one to one coaching if you need it?
One to one zoom well being sessions for humans are also available & currently £40, these consults can help for those of you struggling with bonding, focus or self care.

I have always lived alongside sight hounds & lurchers & have rehabilitated many street dogs. I currently live on the West Sussex Coast with my amazing adult children, two cheeky whippets & a soppy Romanian rescue. Not only do I hold an accredited diploma in Holistic Canine Behaviour as well as many other CPD Certificates, I am also trauma informed & a well being mentor for humans too, it's my passion to help you both succeed. My speciality is helping you both overcome & manage any form of trauma & cope with anxiety. I teach you to teach your dog & help you understand each other. Above all I can help you feel confident & give you the courage to enjoy a harmonious bond.
Where your posture goes energy flows: Learn how your body language can communicate gently & subtly, in turn changing how your dog relates to you.
Self awareness is your key to success: Learn how to individualise your dog.
Movement awareness: Learn how to help your dog overcome fear of people.
The world is huge: Help your dog feel less overwhelmed by our urbanised environment.
The desire we share: To feel safe, learn about things you can do to promote feelings of safety.
The Dog's Diagnosis: Your dog is your best therapist, we can use the information they give us to help you with self care & well being.

I absolutely love the hub. Such a great experience, easy to follow and easy with my time management! This is so worth the money and worth the time.  Janeen is always available to me if i need to ask questions etc and the courses are really easy to follow.
- Abbie Clack
"It may take time to make changes, I feel it's important to make that affordable for everyone. I believe in inclusivity for all clients who have neurodiversity, CPTSD & those that are recovering from trauma, depression or feeling anxious. If you have a disability I will ensure that activities are adjusted for you, so that you can enjoy teaching your dog fun things" - Janeen
"Beneath every behavior there is a feeling. And beneath every feeling there is a need. And when we meet that need rather
than focus on the behavior, we begin to deal with the cause, not the symptom". — Ashleigh Warner

(Holistic meaning: approaching problems as a whole mentally & physically & working with all agencies, including vets to achieve the best outcome)
Indoor consultation room available if you would prefer to travel to me.